Searching for Grace

Have you ever lost something and were desperate to find it? Three decades ago I had a dream in which I was searching for a child called Grace. I had to find Grace. The dream impacted me greatly at the time, and I woke from it knowing that if I ever had a daughter, she would be named Grace.

Fast forward to just a few weeks ago on our Grace’s wedding day. Grace has one of the most compassionate and kindest hearts of anyone I know. She is certainly not perfect, but her name does reflect her character. As she stood there looking so radiantly happy and beautiful, I was suddenly overcome as I realised that for the past twenty-three years God has gifted me with a living, breathing reminder of how His grace has always been at work in my life.

The truth is, everyone is searching for grace. But many are unaware of the burden of their sin and are searching for relief in the wrong places.

Before accepting Christ, we all carry the burden of sin and shame, and we need God’s grace.

Grace is not lost. We are!

God is constantly searching, watching, waiting for, and going after the lost. He leaves the ninety-nine who are safe to go after the one who is lost. His very nature is to find and restore. His grace is constantly available. But the only way we can experience God’s grace in our life is by appropriating through faith, what His grace has provided. And what has He provided? His Son- Jesus, who paid the price for our sins, and through whom we can enter into a restored relationship with God.

When I had that dream, I was a relatively new Christian. I had been found. But I was still learning what it meant to abide in Christ, to live in His grace, day in and day out. I am still learning. Oswald Chambers writes that the grace of God begins when we are drawn to God by a work of His supernatural grace, and we can never quite trace back to find where the work began. Even now three decades later, the grace of God is woven through my life in inextricable ways that I don’t fully comprehend. All is grace, time after time, after time, after time.

Are you searching for grace in your life? Then let yourself be found in Jesus.

Jo 🙂

©2022 Quietly Roaring. All Rights Reserved.

31 thoughts on “Searching for Grace

  1. “Grace is not lost. We are!”
    I had to go back and read this one a few times, Jo. How true! We sometimes have no idea about
    the depths of our sin.
    You also sent me scrambling to find my Bible, so I could look up a scripture that came to mind. This is good thing. 😊
    “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV).
    Congratulations to your daughter, Grace, and your new blessed son-in-law.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. God’s grace has always been there waiting for us but we resist unwilling to surrender, searching in the tangible and frivolous things. Grace is not lost, we are – so true.
    Blessings to you Jo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jo this is an utterly lovely post. The power of that dream in your life and that you appropriately named your daughter Grace shares a lovely picture of God’s Grace at work in your life. Thank you for sharing this today sister.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have touched on several streams of Grace coming from the same source…So much depth there. We were meant to enjoy more of God’s grace than we can understand. Thanks Jo. I love that dream and the realization of your daughter being God’s ever living gift of “Grace”.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A beautiful and thought provoking post. I am so thankful that the Lord chases after us to bring us back home. And I agree that there is so much of God’s grace in our lives that we might not even realize the depths of it until we reach heaven. ✝️🙌🙏

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  6. Jo, the story behind your daughter’s name is absolutely beautiful. To have a living reminder of this word in your daily life is equally as beautiful. Your dream really drives home your words- “Grace is not lost. We are!” Congratulations to Grace and may the years that lie ahead for she and her husband overflow with His fruit.

    Liked by 2 people

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